Parasite In The City Game Wiki

Parasite In City Game Wiki 6/22/2019 0 Comments Rudy Jones (died November 2016) was a research scientist who became infected with an Angon alien parasite that could absorb the powers and life energy of other beings; this turned Jones into.

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Barotrauma is a 2D multiplayer resource management game currently in development by Undertow Games and FakeFish. The game was released for free as a pre-alpha version on July 31st 2015, and has received regular updates since then. An Early Access commercial release was launched on June 5th 2019 on Steam. The game's source code can be found on GitHub.

  • Game Maker 로 제작되었다. 처음 접해본건 유튜브에 올려진 2개의 영상! 부드러운 모션과 이벤트가 재미있어보여 눈 뒤집혀 찾음. 카툰형식의 프롤로그가 매우 인상적이다. 초기 버전에서의 문제점이 1. 총을 들고 방향을 못바꾸고(모션 이벤트 부족) 2.
  • Hentai games are usually hit or miss for me, but Parasite In City is a fairly decent time. The gameplay on offer here is pretty fun and I was very impressed with the way the game looks. It has a kind of comic book style to it and that is something I really do like.
  • Parasites can infest citizens, guards, and shopkeepers of populated areas. This can cause city-wide infestation and block access to stores and quests; even after leaving a city, its monsters and pregnancies persist. Ways that this occurs include the following: Spread from infected player or player's pet or companion.

Parasite In The City Game Wiki
  • 1Development
    • 1.1Plot
    • 1.2GUI
  • 2Controls

After the success of Joonas ('Regalis') Rikkonen's SCP - Containment Breach, he was encouraged to begin pursuing a career in game design and to start his own company, Undertow Games.[1] He would later begin working on an entirely new game which deviated greatly from his previous works. Barotrauma draws inspiration from several different sources. The resource management aspects of the game were inspired by Space Station 13, and may have intentionally given Regalis the idea to make the game two dimensional rather than 3D. The horror aspects and underwater setting of the game were inspired by Pressure. Pressure is a game concept that originated from 4chan's video game board /v/. The game woud've taken place in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean inside a research lab. The lab is then attacked by underwater sea creatures and it is then up to the player to try and escape the lab. Several developers have attempted to make an actual game based on the concept, but so far none of them have been completed. The idea of having lovecraftian monsters be the main threat in the game most likely also inspired the enemies in Barotrauma as well.[2] The game's art style is said to be inspired by Link-Dead, a 2D side-scrolling shooter which had also been in development for a while before being presumed dead.[3] The game's wiring mechanic was inspired by Minecraft's redstone mechanics and MechComp in Space Station 13.[2]

Parasite in the city game wiki free

Plot[edit | edit source]

Barotrauma's time period takes place several hundred years in the future, during an era where humanity is technologically advanced enough to achieve manned interplanetary space travel. The setting of the game is on Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons, which was colonized during the space age. Due to the surface of the planet being too irradiated for survival, colonies and outposts have been established under the layer of ice covering the surface of the moon. Beneath the ice layer is a vast ocean used as a transport network between colonies and as a source for natural resources. The ocean also allowed for the creation of transportation shafts which interconnect the colonies throughout the moon. The ocean itself is inhabited by a number of aquatic creatures, as well as natural forming cave systems.

Objective[edit | edit source]

See also: Campaign

The primary goal in Barotrauma's Campaign mode is to maintain a Submarine and navigate it through the depths of Europa.Players can individually control any crew member on board and hire new ones in Outposts; all crew members has a specific Job which influences what Skills the character excels at.After a destination has been selected upon leaving an outpost, the submarine will have to steer through a randomly generated level to reach the next outpost or location.Once out in the ocean, the submarine and its crew will be under constant threat from the local aquatic Creatures, which attacks may breach the hull, causing floods and potentially letting them enter the ship and attack the crew. Fixing leaks and damaged Installations is crucial to survival throughout levels. To defend themselves, crew members can access the submarine's weaponry, consisting of Coilguns,Railguns, Depth Charges and the Electrical Discharge Coil. In the event of a break-in, or when venturing outside the submarine with a Diving Suit, a variety of handheld Weapons are at their disposal. Resources such as minerals and plants can be harvested from the cave walls, and may later be processed in Fabricators and Deconstructors to craft a wide variety of Items.

Parasite in the city game wiki roblox

In multiplayer, the game features other Game Modes, with different goals and styles.

Parasite In The City Game Wiki

GUI[edit | edit source]

Inventory[edit | edit source]

The inventory consists of 16 slots (medic's uniforms have 3 extra slots). Six of those slots are for specific equipped Gear, as indicated by their icon; one slot each for an ID Card, Headset, headgear, innerwear, outerwear and Toolbelt. The other ten slots can hold any items. 2 more slots, one for each hand, are shown to the left of the hotbar when holding items by hand. Items can be equipped by double-clicking them, clicking on the small bar above each item icon, or by using the appropriate hotkey. Characters can also carry items in their hands, and some items may not fit in the inventory slots due to their size; for example, storage containers, Fire Extinguishers or Coilgun Ammunition Boxes can only be carried by hand, Crates are carried with both hands, and the Diving Suit cannot be carried, only worn in the suit slot.

Store[edit | edit source]

In campaign mode, stores allow players to purchase or sell items, hire new crew members, improve the current submarine's installations, or acquire new Submarines. Purchases are made using Marks, the local currency, that is rewarded to the player after successfully completing Missions.

Wiring Interface[edit | edit source]

In order for any of the submarine's onboard electric instruments or devices to work correctly, they must be wired. To enter the wiring system, a screwdriver is required. Pressing E while in proximity and highlighting the desired installation will open up its connection panel. (That feature can be disabled in server configurations or inside the sub editor).

While the connection panel UI is open, one can remove wires by clicking and dragging it out of the plugin, which will disconnect the wire on that side. Unplugging one side of the wire will disable its functions as expected, and will leave a loose wire that will spark. To completely remove and recover the wire, one has to unplug it on both ends and drag it to one's inventory or outside of the connection panel UI.

To connect a new wire, the player needs to have a screwdriver equipped in one hand, and a wire in the other. When these conditions are met, opening an installation's connexion panel will display the new, loose wire at the bottom of the interface. Once again, connecting it to an unoccupied slot is done by drag-and dropping it. Once the first end is connected, the player can safely exit the first installation's connexion panel and repeat the process on the second installation, using the same method. While walking towards the second installation, left-clicking anywhere on the wall will attach the wire to that specific location. In case of mistake, right-clicking then allows to cancel the last action. While this feature may appear purely cosmetic, it can also help visualizing and keeping track of elaborate wiring systems. To that same end, different wire colors may be used as well.

This is a list of the default controls. The keys can be customized in the options menu.

Select / Use Equipped ItemMOUSE1 (Left-Click)
Aim Equipped ItemMOUSE2 (Right-Click)
Creature AttackR
Ragdoll Controlled CharacterSPACE
Radio ChatR
Local Voice ChatB
AI Crew OrdersC
Command InterfaceMOUSE3 (Middle-Click)
Next AI CharacterZ
Previous AI CharacterX
Info TabTab
Toggle Inventory in Sub EditorQ
Open the consoleF3/Fn+F3

References[edit | edit source]

  2. 2.02.1Barotrauma's Home Page
Retrieved from ''

I will admit that I actually don’t play a lot of H-Games, also known as hentai games. Most of them are fairly bland, are on the complete opposite side of the spectrum, or are far too revolting for me to even enjoy. There are some hentai games that play more like interactive movies with little to no actual gameplay and that’s frustrating because if I wanted to watch a hentai film I could go on the internet or go out and buy a DVD.

Okay I wouldn’t actually go out and buy it, that’s what Amazon is for.

But every once in a while a H-Game comes out that is not only hot but also a lot of fun. That game is “Parasite in City”, and no it’s not a typo—because of a bad translation that’s the actual name of the game. But don’t let that semi-sloppy title fool you—the game is actually fairly well polished considering the genre.

Created by the team over at Pixel Factory, this game knows exactly what it is and makes no apologies about it. When you turn on the game you get the standard “this game is for adults only” disclaimer and blah, blah, blah and then BOOM you are at the start screen and what do you know it’s a sexy blonde white woman kneeling with a gun in her hand, breathing heavily like she’s already in the throes of passion, with every heavy breath her chest heaves up and down. Needless to say that it already made a good impression on me.

You end up playing this young woman (some theorize her name is Eve though as far as I know there is no confirmation about this at all) and you wake up one night to realize the city has been overrun by zombies. Grabbing a gun off a potential rapey zombie she falls into the sewer and has to now fight her way out of the infected city.

Get ready for rape

I should mention this game features a lot of rape. And I should also say that rape in a video game is purely sexual fantasy that in no way condones real rape to a real woman or man. These zombies are not after brain, though some of them want to get some brain if you know what I mean. The zombies both male and female seem to have a real attraction to human flesh and they will have their way with the blonde if they get a chance.

You have to fight them off in their rape attempts and if you fail to do so you lose health and eventually die. But don’t worry—“dying” in this game isn’t all that bad because when you do you’re treated to a nice animation of our heroine being raped by whatever just defeated her. These animations are then saved into the gallery where you can view them later; so in a way to game encourages you to lose a bit.

The game works like any classic side scroller you might play on your computer. With it’s pixel HD “16 bit” graphic style, it feels like a well-made dirty game from the 90s. You move and you can kick, jump or fire your gun. But ammo is limited so you have to be a little careful with how much you use it. This isn’t a strategy game though so don’t expect to use too much brain power conserving ammo. Your kicks are effective but take a long time to do anything except on easy mode, something I liked because she’s a skinny blonde who shouldn’t be able to deliver extreme pain with her kicks.

Another gameplay mechanic other than your health is your “hornyness” guage. That’s right, all this raping from fat zombies, face huggers and giant cicadas that can impregnate you (yes, and it’s awesome) actually gets our heroine turned on. In fact if she gets too horny she will drop everything that she is doing even if her life is in danger and start masturbating until she cums. How do you prevent this? By either not getting taken advantage of or by masturbating when you have a free moment to calm your nether regions. That will require some strategy and you will find yourself getting equally frustrated and turned on when she’s trying to run from parasites and she will stop mid-stride to rub one out.

This game will test your one-handed gaming abilities.

My biggest complaint with the game is that it’s really short. As an indie hentai game there are only 3 levels which does offer impressive variety in terms of enemies and environment but it means you can ultimately beat the game in a single evening if you’re up to it. In a sense, I should be endeared to that as it makes it closer to the games of old with no save points and limited continues, but I do wish there was more. I guess it’s a compliment to Pixel Factory in a sense—they made a game I wanted to keep playing.

There is a good deal of replay value with this game. After completion you can have infinite health and/or infinite bullets which can allow your mind to run a bit wild with some perverted scenarios. There is also a bonus feature called “OMAKE” which allows players to select a combo of monsters to come into a dungeon and have their way with the blonde one by one. This is actually more entertaining than it might sound and it’s just twisted enough for those who are into that sort of kink.


There is a sequel coming out to this game which I am really looking forward to. I bought a copy because I wanted to support the indie developers who put so much effort into this game and I encourage those who like this genre to do the same.

Parasite In The City Game Wikipedia

Despite the gimmick of a H-Game this is actually in itself a very enjoyable side scroller. I don’t think it would stand out much if not for the sexuality added to it, but the controls are simple, the levels have some cool designs, the sound design is solid, and the world created is an interesting one which I hope to visit again in future installments.

Forgot to mention: your mutant insect babies can come out of the womb and make you a grandmother and then if you have unlimited health.

Gameplay: 35/45. There is little strategy involved with the game but it still requires some semblance of wits and timing to complete certain tasks. The game as a side scroller doesn’t try to reinvent the wheel but does implement some novel ideas for an indie game. It also helps that they are coupled with an intriguing albeit perverted concept.

Control: 20/25.Very simple and intuitive controls, though there are a few moments where the simple controls meet a complex task here and there where your timing and accuracy on the controls have to be almost annoyingly precise. The gun controls, while effective, can also be a bit clunky at times when dealing with aerial or jumping enemies.

Graphics: 9/15. For what it’s trying to be the graphics are smooth and fairly well polished. The characters are well drawn and the animations, while low budget, are definitely clean and haven’t just been tacked on with the hopes of horny players ignoring them. Environments look nice though some of the cut scenes are a bit wooden, but never sloppy.

Sound: 7/10.The guns, kicks and monsters all have serviceable sound effects and of course the minxy blonde has great sound effects as just hearing her breathe is pretty darn sensual. The big thing missing in the sound arena is a musical score—it’s pretty much quiet the whole time. The soundtrack of the game are her feet clunking along, her heavy panting and the groan of zombies. It doesn’t get old but a musical track even a subtle one could have added a lot.

Story: 2/5. There really isn’t a story, though it seems like the sequel will flesh things out a bit more. It’s pretty straight forward: survive the overrun city and make it out. There isn’t much more to be said and it’s definitely something I hope they improve on. That being said it’s fun to fill in the blanks yourself in a game like this (I have a seedy imagination).

Total: 73%

Parasite In The City Game Wiki Codes

Masculinity Score: As a man it was nice to play a H-Game where the woman is horny but still in peril. She definitely not made into a feminist fantasy. The game makes a point of letting you know her hot bod is one of the reasons she survives and is not ripped apart by zombies. Lastly, the game is unapologetically perverted and made to please the male gaze, kinks and dark fantasies. If you like that kind of stuff this is game you can’t pass up.

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